Friday, October 3, 2008

very busy

Well first and foremost I am going to provide some pictures of joshua, then i will go on with more about our trip. Here is our new beautiful nephew Joshua :P Some are a bit blurry, sorry.

Alright, now for pictures of our trip to New York, Washingtong D.C., and Connecticut.

First New York

On top of the empire state building. It was so rainy there was zero visibility

Nicole and her Mommy, who was very nice and spent way to much money on us.

I will add more later, we have a ton but I am really busy catching up with school stuff.

It was so windy it tore the flags apart on top of the Empire State Building

cool view of cemetary and NY
cool looking church

Okay now I have to go to work. DC pictures will be next.

Okay here we go

Cool fountain

Cool bum
Train stations where we got on our tour bus
A bell of some signifigance


Betty Brackett said...

Hi Honey...wonderful pics! Little Joshua is so sweet..all that lovely dark hair...can't wait to see more of him. And, your trip looked about a culture shock, huh? :) Keep those pictures coming...after you're caught up in school of course :)

Betty Brackett said...

I forgot to looked SO cold on top of the Empire State...picture made me shiver :) I was there in March of 1947 (the stone age) and it was so cold my teeth were chattering.
Really nice pictures, Nicole :)

Linda (Mom, Gramma, Aunt) said...

Your pictures are awesome !! I can't believe we live in the same house and this is how I see them ? I want a copy of the one of you and Jason on top of the Empire State Building, you look beautiful and Jason's hair is just too amazing :)