Sunday, September 20, 2009

I hate people

So its sunday night. I had a very long day. Worked from 8-4, came home and had to make a dish using this new starbucks product called via, took the dogs to the park, and had to be back at work at 7 for a 3 hour and 45 minute meeting, which got out at 10:45pm or so. I was tired, annoyed, and ready to go home and chill.

I finally get home, and find that mark had parked on the street where i normally park, so I took his spot in the drive way. He did this because sometimes when I get off work and come home, I cant find parking because people accross the street are always throwing parties or whatever. So I thought that was pretty cool, and I almost parked right behind him on the street so he could move his car into the driveway, but figured it was to late and he wouldn't want to anyway.

So I come upstairs and talk to Nicole for a while. She was busy finishing up some studying for class tomorrow. At around 12:00 am I finally pass out on the bed after watching an episode of family guy. She is still going hard with the studying, when all of the sudden we hear this very loud skreech noise. At around 1am I awoke in a very confused state, not sure what was going on, when we heard this very loud crash. Nicole and I looked at eachother for a moment before she jumped up to look out of our 2nd floor window to see exactly what had happened. "Oh my god, someone just crashed into marks car(toyota highlander)," is what I heard next from Nicole. I jump out of bed only wearing my boxers to take a look, only to see this jackass back up, and speed off down the road.

Still in that confused state of just being woken up, I just followed her out of the room as she alerted her mother and mark. I ran downstairs in my boxers, forgetting to grab my clothes, wallet, or keys. I had every intention of chasing after this guy to get a license plate number, but I was to late. I ran back upstairs to grab some clothes, and ran back downstairs and outside. We examined the damage, and marks entire back left bumper was pretty much torn up, with shards of the run-away car sprinkled all over the street, sidewalk, and even the front lawn. Some guy walked out from accross the street and confirmed that what I saw was correct. It was a greyish-gold toyota corola. An SUV approached us slowly and he apparently lives down the street. He heard it all the way from his house and was lucky enough to go outside in time to see this jackass drive by and he got his license plate number.

The police finally showed up, and with good news that they had found the guy and the license plate number was correct. The driver didn't have a license, which can only lead me to assume he has no insurance. I am sure mark's insurance will cover everything, and thank god nobody was injured.

Sorry if this was a bit long, but this all just happened like 30 minutes ago, and I am still a little wired after all of it. Time to try to get back to my sweet, sweet dreams.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Status update + Chili vs Bella.

Its been a while since we've updated so I figured I'd let you guys know whats going on.

Nicole and I started school this week on aug 31st. We have both been very very very VERY busy. Working full time and being a full time student is pretty hard. I like my classes, but I am most likely going to try and get my hours cut down to part-time if I plan on surviving this semester. My manager told me I only had to work 32 hours a work to keep my full-time status, so I told her that was fine. She continued to give me around 40 hours a week though, so now I am just going to go part-time. I still get benefits so it really doesn't matter that much. Nicole is doing the same. She is getting transfered to a Petsmart that is literally a minute walk from where we are living, which will be really good. She is also going to part-time.

Nicole promised a video, so here it is. There isn't alot of editing involved because I have been so busy. It is fast-forwarded a bit because it is kind of repeatative and I cut alot out. It still may be a little bit to lengthy, but as long as you watch like half of it you will get the idea.

Enjoy! (blog uploader is to slow so here is a youtube link)