Friday, November 20, 2009

Unlucky Corner

Not much of an update, just something I found a bit funny. So its another late night. Nicole is the one sleeping this time, and I am just getting ready to fall asleep myself. Just finished watching the office on hulu, it was just around 1:30am, and right as I was getting all snuggly in bed, I hear a very loud truck outside. Its not uncommon. For whatever reason, everynight I hear one truck driving by thats very loud and at very late hours of the night. So I thought nothing of it... That is until I heard very loud crunching noises. At first I was a bit panicked, until I heard a car alarm go off. At this point I was relieved, because my car does not have a car alarm. Nicole was woken from the ruckus outside, and jumped to the window. I shortly followed her. We pulled up the blinds only to see a very large usmail truck, way to big to be driving down a small residential street. He clipped a car on the opposite side of the street trying to make the turn. In the process, that car smashed into a car behind it, and that car into another, causing a giant chain reaction.

Nobody was hurt, and my car is okay. But the people accross the street weren't as lucky. But I guess that all depends on how you look at it. It was a US mail truck that did all of the damage, so I'm sure everything will be covered.

I need to find a new parking place before something like this happens to us...